Writers: Check This Out!

Add this gig to your stream of income — the platform is seeking writers

Media In Print (aka Arnita)
2 min readAug 3, 2022
Photo by Andraz Lazic on Unsplash

I have a gig with the Freelance Writers Den as a Market List Writer.

The post (below) is a market list I created for the Make A Living Writing (MALW) blog, which involved research to create and compile the list.

Once you complete the market list, you will receive payment upon submitting an invoice.

The amount paid for each market list, I’m not able to share — I’ll just say, the pay is worth the effort, and much more than most blogs pay.

You’ll also receive your byline, which will help to build your portfolio and add to your credentials.

Carol Tice is the blog owner — one of the most highly-recommended freelance writing authorities in the industry.

Check out my market list with my byline below:

Also, Make a Living Writing invites you to guest post on their site. Check out the guidelines below and get started:



Media In Print (aka Arnita)

Print Media Writer | Lifestyle, Arts & Culture, and Wellbeing | A true introvert; I must have my quiet time alone.